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Appello urgente: Manifestazione globale contro ISIS – per Kobanê – per l’Umanità! 1 novembre ore 14

Data della Manifestazione Globale: 1 novembre 2014, ore 14.00

ISIS ha lanciato una pesante campagna militare su più fronti contro la regione kurda di Kobanê nel nord della Siria. Questo è il terzo violento attacco a Kobanê dal marzo 2014. Dato che ISIS non ha avuto successo nelle due precedenti occasioni, sta attaccando con forze maggiori e vuole prendere Kobanê.

Nel gennaio di quest’anno, i kurdi del Kurdistan occidentale (Rojava) hanno costituito amministrazioni locali sotto forma di tre cantoni. Uno dei tre cantoni creati è Kobanê. Il confine turco è al nord di Kobanê e tutti gli altri lati sono circondati da territori controllati da ISIS. ISIS si è avvicinato ai confini di Kobanê usando armi pesanti di fabbricazione USA. Centinaia di migliaia di civili sono minacciati dal più brutale genocidio della storia moderna. La popolazione di Kobanê sta cercando di resistere usando armi leggere contro i più brutali attacchi dei terroristi di ISIS, assistita solo dalle Unità di Difesa del Popolo nel Kurdistan occidentale YPG e YPJ, ma senza alcun aiuto internazionale.

Per questo una Manifestazione Globale contro ISIS – per Kobanê – per l’Umanità è vitale.

La cosiddetta coalizione internazionale per combattere ISIS non ha aiutato la resistenza kurda in modo efficace nonostante stia assistendo al genocidio in atto contro Kobanê. Non hanno adempiuto ai loro effettivi obblighi di legalità internazionale. Alcuni paesi nella coalizione, in particolare la Turchia, sono tra i sostenitori finanziari e militari dei terroristi di ISIS in Iraq e Siria.

Per questo una Manifestazione Globale contro ISIS – per Kobanê – per l’Umanità è vitale.

Se il mondo vuole la democrazia in Medio Oriente deve sostenere la resistenza kurda a Kobanê. L’autonomia democratica nel Rojava promette un futuro libero per tutti i popoli in Siria. A questo proposito il “Modello Rojava” – la posizione laica, non settaria, democratica nel Rojava è il modello che pratica l’unità nella diversità.

Agisci Ora

È ora di dare agli attori globali la ragione di ricredersi.

Invitiamo le persone in tutto il mondo a mostrare la loro solidarietà con Kobanê. Scendete in piazza e manifestate, dovunque viviate.

Vi chiediamo di unirvi alla Manifestazione Globale per Kobanê.

Sostenete la resistenza contro ISIS – per Kobanê – per l’Umanità!

Agite ora!


Primi Firmatari:

Prof. Noam CHOMSKY-US; Archbishop Desmond TUTU-South Africa; Adolfo Perez ESQUIVEL, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1980-Argentina; Hugo BLANCO, leader of the CCP (Campesino Confederation of Peru)-Peru; Jose RAMOS-HORTA, former President of Timor-Leste (2007-2012), Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1996); Dario FO, Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature 1997-Italy; Reem KELANI, Palestinian Singer and Musician-UK; Miguel Angel HERNÁNDEZ, University Central of Venezuela and Secretary of “Partido Socialismo y Libertad-Venezuela; Prof. Bill BOWRING, University of London, Birkbeck College -UK; MICHAEL MANSFIELD QC, President of Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers-UK; Baroness Helena KENNEDY QC, House of Lords-UK;  Mark THOMAS, writer/comedian-UK; Dr Felix PADEL, Sussex University-UK; Lord HYLTON, House of Lords, UK; Margaret OWEN O.B.E, human rights lawyer-UK; Nick HILDYARD, policy adviser-UK; Prof. Kariane WESTRHEIM, EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC)-Norway; Prof. Michael GUNTER, EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC)-US; JP Joost JONGERDEN, Wageningen University-The Netherlands; Estella SCHMID, Peace in Kurdistan Campaign-UK; Dr. David GRAEBER-anthropologist, author-UK; Peter TATCHELL, Director, Peter Tatchell Foundation-UK; Dr. Derek WALL, International Coordinator of the Green Party of England and Wales-UK; Stephen SMELLIE, UNISON Lanarkshire, Scotland-UK; Leanne WOOD, Leader of Plaid Cymru-Wales; Jean LAMBERT MEP-Green Party-UK; Lord REA, House of Lords-UK; Valeria FEDELI, Vice-President of Italian Senate, Member of the 4ª Standing Committee (Defence) and 14ª Standing Committee (EU Policies)–Italy; Luigi MANCONI, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of the Senate, Member of the 4ª Standing Committee (Defence)-Italy; Massimo ARTINI, MP, Vice President of Defence Committee in Parliament- Italy; Mario SBERNA, MP, Member of the Italian Parliament, Italy; Moni OVADIA, theatrical author–Italy; Fabio AMATO, Foreign Representative of the PRC Party and Secretariat of the European Left-Italy; Francesco MARTONE, Foreign Affairs Department of SEL Party–Italy; Michel ROLAND,  President of Médecins du Monde, Belgium; LUDO DE BRABANDER, spokesperson Vrede vzw (Belgian Peace Organisation)- Belgium; WARD KENNES, Mayor of Kasterlee/ MP, Member of the Flemish Parliament-Belgium; Stephen BOUQUIN, Prof of Sociology, Universite d’Evry-Val-d’Essone and Chairman of ROOD-Belgium; Em. Prof. Herman DE LEY, Ghent University-Belgium; Beat JANS, Member of the Swiss National Parliament, Basel- Switzerland; Dr. Radha D’SOUZA, Indian Association of People’s Lawyers – India; Dr. Suresh KHAIRNAR, National Convenor, All India Secular Forum-India; Kishore JAGTAP, President, Phule-Ambedkar Intellectual Forum-India; Amaresh MISRA, Editor-in-Chief, Medhaj News-India; Feroze MITHIBORWALA, National President of Bharat Bachao Andolan (Movement to Save India from Imperialism & Zionism)-India; KURDISH PEN CENTRE; Dr. Hajo ZARADACHET, Former President of the Kurdish PEN Centre (2000 to 2013)-Germany; Dr. Berivan DOSKI, Vice President, Kurdish PEN Centre; Lucina KATHMAN, Vice-President of PEN Internatonal-US; Tarik GUNERSEL, Poet, President of Turkish PEN Centre-Turkey; Dr. Vicki SENTAS, University of New South Wales-Australia; Rick TRUJILLO, The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), California-US; Vo VAN AI, President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam, spokesperson for Most Venerable Thich Quang Do, France; Penelope FAULKNER, Vice-President of Quê Me: Action for Democracy in Vietnam, France; Prof. Haci AKMAN, University of Bergen, Norway; Dr. Efraim BULUT, Cardiologist, Haraldsplass Deaconess Hospital, Norway; Erling FOLKVORD, Writer and former MP, Red Party, Norway; Svein OLSEN, Red Party, City Council Bodo, Norway; Arne Liljedahl LYNNGAARD, Managing Director, Former Chair of the Rafto Foundation, Norway; Jan Bojer VINDHEIM, Green Party, Urban Planning Committee, Trondheim City Council, Norway; Prof Gro Therese LIE, UoB Global, University of Bergen, Norway; Jill EVANS MEP, Plaid Cyrmu, Wales; Elfyn LLWYD MP, Plaid Cymru-Wales; Hywel WILLIAMS MP, Plaid Cymru-Wales; Lorena Lo Per De LACAWE, EFA Vice-President, Plaid Cymru-Wales; Lindsey GERMAN, Stop the War Coalition-UK; SOCIALIST RESISTANCE, UK; Trevor RAYNE, Fight Racism, Fight Imperialism –UK; Manuel MARTORELL, historian and journalist-Spain; Osvaldo BAYER, historian, writer and anarchist-Argentina; Stella CALLONI, journalist, international analyst and writer-Argentina; Fernando SIGNORINI, Coach of the Argentinian Soccer Team-Argentina; Nora CORTINAS, Human rights activist, co-founder of the Mayo’s Square Mothers-Argentina; Rosana ALVARADO, First Vice-President of the National Assembly-Ecuador; Maria Augusta CALLE, President of the Commission on Sovereignty and International Relations of the National Assembly-Ecuador; Virgilio HERNANDEZ, Member of the Board of Directors of the National Legislative Assembly- Ecuador; Pedro DE LA CRUZ, President of the Andean Parliament–Ecuador; Francisco VELASCO, Former Minister of Culture, Member of the Administrative Board of “Alliance Country”-Ecuador; Guillaume LONG, responsible for External Relations of Ecuador Alianza Pais Party-Ecuador; Fernando BOSSI, People’s Bolivarian Congress-Argentina; Prof. Kamal A.Mitra CHENOY, Centre for Comparative Politic & Political Theory, School of International Studies-India; Achin VANIK , Professor of International Relations and Global Politics from the University of Delhi (retired)-India; Amir M. MAASOUMI, Peace Ambassador-India; Wilfred DACOSTA, Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF), New Delhi- India; Sandhya JAIN, Journalist, New Delhi – India; Asha KACHRU, Writer-India; Anwar KOMBAI, Documentary Filmmaker, writer & journalist, Chennai, India; Javed ANAND, Muslims for Secular Democracy, Mumbai-India; Rohini HENSMAN, Writer and Independent Scholar, Bombay-India; Jawad MOHAMMED, Lawyer from Chennai-South India; Sukla SEN, EKTA (Committee for Communal Amity), Mumbai-India; Sushovan DHAR, Radical Socialist-India; Jatin DESAI, veteran journalist & General secretary of the “PIFPD” – Pakistan India Forum for Peace & Democracy-India; Raghu JAYANTIYA, Engineering Design Manager-UK; Mukta SRIVASTAV, National Alliance of People’s Movements, Mumbai-India; Com. VASUDEVAN, Bluestar Trade Union, Mumbai–India; Com Deepti GOPINATH, Airport Workers Trade Union, Mumbai-India; Akshay KUMAR, Orissa Farmers Struggle, Bhuvaneshwar-India; Prof. Rakesh RAFIQUE, Yuva Kranti, Founder, Moradabad-India; Ravi KOHAR, Convenor, Yuva Kranti (Revolutionary Youth), New Delhi-India; Shelley KASLI, Journalist, Bangalore-India; Salim ALWARE, Indian Muslim Intellectual Forum, Convenor-India; Jyoti BADEKAR, Bharat Bachao Andolan, Mumbai-India; Farouk MAPKAR, Bharat Bachao Andolan, Convenor, Mumbai-India; Yusuf PARMAR, President, Indian Muslim Development Council, Rajkot-India; Arif KAPADIA,  Bharat Bachao Andolan, Mumbai-India; Afaque AZAD, Bharat Bachao Andolan, Mumbai –India; Bhupen SINGH, Journalist, New Delhi-India; Shujaat Ali QADRIQ, Convenor, Muslim Students Organization, Lucknow-INDIA; Ashraf Ali ZAIDI, Bharat Bachao Andolan, New Delhi-India; Sanjay SINGHVI, General Secretary, Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI), Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) CPI-ML-India; Sundra BABUN, Activism News Network, Chennai-India; Luisa MORGANTINI – Former Vice President of EP-Italy; Vittorio AGNOLETTO, former MEP-Italy; Aurelio JURI, Former MEP and former mayor of the Koper-Capodistria- Slovenia; Massimiliano VOZA, Mayor of the Santomenna–Italy; Domenico LUCANO, Mayor of the RIACE–Italy; Prof. Annamaria RIVERA, Anthropologist-Italy; Prof. Enrico PUGLIESE, Sociology-Italy; Prof. Giorgio FORTI, Emeritus at the Faculty, University of Milan, and Member of the Lincei National Academy-Italy; Prof. Maria Immacolata MACIOTI, Association of Sociology in Italy (AIS)-Italy; Alessandra MECOZZI, President of Association Cultura e Libertà–Italy; Alessia MONTUORI, President of the Association ‘Senza Confine’-Italy; Andrea BOTTI, The Social Center Intifada/Community in Resistance of Empoli–Italy; Angela BELLEI, President of the Association Azad–Italy; Antonello PABIS, Pesident of ASCE–Italy; Danilo LAMPIS, Spokesperson Italian School Student Union–Italy;Don Ettore CANNAVERA, Foundator of the Comunità La Collina–Italy;Fabio ALBERTI, Former president of “Un Ponte per …”–Italy; Francesca KOCH, President of the Women International House–Italy; Gianni RINALDINI, former General Secretary of the Labour Union Fiom-Cgil and Member of the Cgil National Board–Italy; Giorgio CREMASCHI, Former President of the Central Committee of the Labour Union Fiom-Cgil–Italy; Luca CASARINI, co-worker –Italy; Marco BRAGHERO – President of the Peace Waves International Network, PhD Researcher in Jyvaskyla University, –Italy; Martina CAMPANI, Responsible of the Organization National Union of the students–Italy; Mino MASSIMEI, President of Circolo ARCI ” Montefortino 93″, Artena–Italy; Riccardo LATERZA – Spokeperson of Rete della Conoscenza, Italian Youth Organisation–Italy; Roberto MUSACCHIO, Politician, Association ‘Altramente’–Italy; Sara CRESCIMONE, President of OPEN MIND –Italy; Stefano MARUCA, Head of International Department of FIOM trade union–Italy; Vincenzo MILIUCCI, COBAS National executive board–Italy; Alberto CAMPAILLA, Spokesperson Italian Student Union Link–Italy; Alfonso DI STEFANO, Comitato NoMuos/ NoSigonella Commitee-Catania–Italy; Amabile CARRETTI, CGIL RegioEmiglia-Italy; Anna DI SALVO, Associations of the “La Città Felice” –Italy; Antonio De FILIPPIS – Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII Rimini –Italy; Antonio OLIVIERI, Association ‘Verso il Kurdistan onlus’–Italy; Antonio b No Muos, Palermo- Italy; Arturo SALERNI – Lawyer, ‘Progetto Diritti’–Italy; Barbara VOLMORIN, Actirist-Italy; Claudio TREVES, General Secretary of the Labor Union Nidil-Cgil-Italy; Daniele BARBIERI, Journalist Imola-Italy; Domenico FERRARO– Circle Cugnolio’, Vercelli-Italy; Enrico CAMPOFREDA, Journalist-Italy; Fabrizio GATTI, alias Bilal Ibrahim el Habib, journalist and author-Italy; Federica SORGE, Lawyer, ‘Progetto Diritti’-Italy; Franco LEGNANI – Credito Emiliano S.p.A.-Italy; Florina BULFON, Journalist-Italy; Giuliana SGRENA, Reporter of the newspaper il Manifesto-Italy; Guido VIALE, writers, journalist-Italy; John GILBERT, US against war, Florence-Italy; Loris CAMPETTI, Journalist-Italy; Luicio MANISCO, Journalist-Italy; Maria Letizia GROSSI, Peace group ‘Migranti l’Altra Europa con Tsipras’, Florance-Italy; Mario ANGELELLI, Lawyer, ‘Progetto Diritti’-Italy; Mirca GARUTI, Association of the Alkemia Modena-Italy; Moreno BIAGIONI, Rete Antirazzista, Florance-Italy; Nicola LANZA, Committee of National the ‘Altra Europa’-Italy; Novara FLAVIO – Association of the Alkemia Modena-Italy; Paolo SOLLIER, writers-Italy; Piero BERNOCCHI, Cobas trade union National spokesperson-Italy; Pippo GURRIERI, director of the Sicilia libertarian-Italy; Riccardo LATERZA –Spokesperson Italian Youth Organisation Rete della Conoscenza-Italy; Simonetta CRISCI, Lawyers, Association ‘Donne Diritti e Giustizia’-Italy; Teresa MOAFFERI, Cobas Scuola; Sicilia-Italy; Tiziano CARDOSI, No TAV Movument, Florance-Italy; Vittorio BELLAVITE, “Noi Siamo Chiesa”, Milano-Italy; Patricia TOUGH, Women in Black-Italian network; Alessandro SANTORO – Priest of the Comunità delle Piagge, Firenze- Italy; Andrea FUSANI, lawyer- Italy; Laxman SINGH, Research Scholar (Jamia Millia Islamia)-India; Michel ROLAND, President of Médecins du Monde, Belgium; Georges-Henri BEAUTHIER  Lawyer-Belgium; Hind RIAD, Lawyer-Belgium; Selma BENKHELIFA, Lawyer-Belgium; Olivier STEIN, Lawyer-Belgium; Joke CALLEWAERT, Lawyer-Belgium; LUDO DE BRABANDER, spokesperson Vrede vzw (Belgian Peace Organisation)- Belgium; DOMINIQUE WILLAERT, Artist- Belgium. Antonello BOASSA, Writers, Cagliari-Italy; Gippò Mukendi NGANDU, Executive Board of Sinistra Anticapitalista- Italy; Giovanni Rossi FILANGERI, Lawyer, Casoria- Italy; Luca PIERCECCHI, Translator- Italy; Silvia BARALDINI, Human Rights activist- Italy; Francesca M.ANZELMO, Art History Researcher PhD- Italy; Francesco PIOBICCHI, social worker- Italy; Tonio Dall’Olio, Libera International, Claudia Pinelli, daughter of Giuseppe Pinelli; Tommaso Fattori, director of Transform!Italy;  ITALIAN ORGANIZATIONS: SEL ‘Sinistra Ecologia Libertà’ Party–Italy; PRC ‘Partito Rifondazione della Comunista’ PartyItaly; Rete Italiana di Solidarietà con il Popolo Kurdo- Italy; ARCIItaly; FIOM-CGIL-Italy; COBAS-Italy; ASCE-Italy; Union of Student-Italy; Un Ponte Per…-Italy; Union of the Islamic Culture in Sardegna –Italy; YA BASTA! of the Bologna, Marche, Trento, Milano, Napoli, Padova,Treviso-Italy; Anarchist Federation of the Sicilia -Italy; ANPI, Cagliari-Italy; ARKA Teatro – Assemini-Italy; Association ‘Verso il Kurdistan Onlus’-Italy; Association Liberadonna-Italy; Association s of the ‘Un ponte per…’- Italy; Association Association Sardegna LiberaItaly; Association Sardegna Palestina, Cagliari-Italy; Associations of the ‘RUMORI SINISTRI’, Rimini-Italy; Assopace Palestina-Italy; Cagliari Social Forum-Italy; Casetta Rossa spa, Roma-Italy; Committee ‘Con la Palestina nel Cuore’-Italy; Comunist Collectiv, Nuoro-Italy; Cooperation of Rebels, Naples-Italy; Embassy of the Rights, Marche-Italy; Forum Palestina-Italy; Group of the G.A.M.A.D.I-Italy; Il centro OPEN MIND GLBT, Catania-Italy; International Solidarity Movement -Italy; MADIBA Network House, Rimini-Italy; Magazine of the ‘Sicilia Libertaria’Italy; NO MUOS Ragusa-Italy; NOTAV of the Valle di Susa-Italy; Polisportiv of the ACKAPAWA, Jesi-Italy; Polisportiv of the ANTI-RACISTS, Rimini-Italy; Polisportiv of the ‘ASSATA SHAKUR’ Ancona-Italy; PRC of the Follonica-Italy; PRC-Sinistra Critica Sardegna-Italy; Provincial Federation of PRC, Modena-Italy; Rete NO WAR, Rome-Italy; Rome Committee of Solidarity with the Syrian people-Italy; SIRIO Sardegna Teatro, Selargius-Italy; Social Center CasaLoca, Milano-Italy; Social Center Groups of the Marche regions-Italy; Social Center of the AQ16 -Reggio Emilia-Italy; Social Center of the INTIFADA, Empoli-Italy;Social Center of the NORTH EAST-Italy; Social Center of the S. LABAS, Bologna-Italy; Social Center of TPO-Italy; USB Sardegna-Italy; Senegal UNION, Cagliari- Italy; Sardegna-Libano, Cagliari- Italy; MADIBA-Sinnai– Italy; Rom DOSTA, Cagliari- Italy; “IDEA COMUNE” Nuoro- Italy; Donne Diritti e Giustizia-Italy; Jambo, Fidenza- Italy; Melagrana– Italy; Muzak, Cagliari- Italy; Progetto Diritti-Italy; Sardegna -Palestina – Cagliari- Italy; Senza Paura, Genova- Italy; SenzaConfine– Italy; Sunu gaal, Cagliari- Italy; Verso il Kurdistan Onlus- Italy; Assotziu Cultural “AZIRU” – Sassari- Italy; Assemblea Medicina in Mobilitazione– Italy; Cantiere, Milano – Italy; Social Center 28 maggio, Brescia- Italy; Social Center “A. Cartella” di Reggio Calabria- Italy; Ciac, Parma- Italy; Hugo Chavez, Cagliari- Italy; COBAS Sardegna-Italy; Cobas Scuola, Catania- Italy; Collettivo “Nuvola Rossa” di Villa San Giovanni – Italy; Collettiv Autorganizzato di Scienze Politiche, dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma- Italy; Collective of the Prezzemolo Researchers and Workers of the European University Institute, Florence-Italy; Collettiv Promakos– Italy; Cololettivo Comunista (m-l) Nuoro- Italy; Committee NoMuos/NoSigonella – Italy; Coordinamento Cittadino di Lotta per la Casa di Roma- Italy; Csa Astra, Roma- Italy; ESC Laboratorio Autogestito, Roma- Italy; Lab Puzzle, Roma- Italy; PRC Federazione Provinciale di Brescia/ Modena/ Pescara – Italy; PRESIDIO Piazzale Trento, Cagliari- Italy; Resistenze Meticce, Roma- Italy; Rete Antirazzista Catanese– Italy; Rete Romana di solidarietà con il Popolo Palestinese– Italy; Roma per la coalizione popolare internazionale contro l’ISIS“- Italy; SCIDA– Giovunus indipendentistas- Italy; Sinistra anticapitalista di Brescia- Italy; Sinistra Anticapitalista– Italy; Social Center La Strada, Roma- Italy; Social Center LABAS, Bologna- Italy; Yorgos, Comitato Altra Europa con Tsipras Etruria- Italy; Martin GARITANO, General deputy, President of Gipuzkoa-Basque Country; Juan Karlos IZAGIRRE Mayor of San Sebastian-Basque Country; Hasier ARRAIZ, Sortu’s President-Basque Country; Peio URIZAR Eusko Alkartasuna’s SG-Basque Country; Patxi ZABALETA, Aralar’s National Coordinator-Basque Country; Oskar MATUTE Alternatiba’s spokesperson (Basque Country); Josu JUARISTI, MEP, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Jon IÑARRITU, Amaiur, MP in Spanish Parliament, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Urko AIARTZA, Senator in Spanish Senate; Nekane PEREZ, Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Xabi LASA Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Txentxo JIMENEZ , Member of Parliament of Navarre , EH Bildu-Basque Country; Víctor RUBIO, Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Bakartxo RUIZ Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu -Basque Country; Maiorga RAMÍREZ , Member of Parliament of Navarre EH Bildu-Basque Country; Miren ARANOA, Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Koldo AMEZKETA, Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Aitziber SARASOLA, Member of Parliament of Navarre EH Bildu-Basque Country; Bikendi BAREA, Member of Parliament of Navarre, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Jose Miguel NUIN, spokesman of Izquierda-Ezkerra in Parliament of Navarre-Spain; Txema MAULEON, Member of Parliament of Navarre, Izquierda-Ezkerra-Spain; Marisa de SIMÓN CABALLERO, Member of Parliament of Navarre, Izquierda-Ezkerra-Spain; Asún FERNÁNDEZ DE GARAIALDE , Member of Parliament of Navarre EH Bildu -Basque Country; Ainhoa BEOLA, Aralar’s spokesperson in Gipuzkoa-Basque Country; Lohitzune TXAROLA, Speaker of Gipuzkoa’s Parliament-Basque Country; Igor LOPEZ DE MUNAIN, EHBildu Member of Basque Autonomous Community Parliament,EH Bildu-Basque Country;Leire PINEDO, Member of Basque Autonomous Community Parliament, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Marian BEITIALARRANGOITIA, Member of Basque Autonomous Community Parliament, EH Bildu-Basque Country; Diana URREA, Member of Basque Autonomous Community Parliament, EHBildu-Basque Country; Iñaki IRAZABALBEITIA, former MEP, Aralar-Basque Country; Ayem OSKOZ,  member of the national board Alternatiba-Basque Country; Naiara SANPEDRO, San Sebastían’s Councillor for Education, Equality, Youth and Cultural Diversity-Basque Country, Arantzazu UZKIANO, “Newroz” Kurdish Basque Friendship Association’s President -Basque Country; Juan Carlos BECERRA, BERRI-OTXOA Platform against social exclusion and social rights-Basque Country; Pedro EZA, Spanish autonomy senator from Navarre of Navarre People’s Union; Laura MINTEGI, Basque writer-Basque Country; Carles RIERA, Chair of CIEMEN- Spain; Carlos “Perro” SANTILLAN, trade union and popular leader-Argentina; Ruben “Pollo” SOBRERO, Railway Worker’s Leader-Argentina; Elia ESPEN, Mother de Mayo Square, CTA-Argentina; SERPAJ, Peace and Justice Service; Petar PAVLOVIC, Worker’s Front–Croatia; Soraya FALLAH, Doctoral Study, EL&PS,CSUN, California-US; Samarendra DAS, author and activist, FOIL VENDATA-UK; Chris DEN HOND, journalist-France; Elif ERGISI, Rescue 4 Children-UK; Sara PAIOLA, Student, Birkbeck University, London-UK; Khalid ASINGER, ACID (Asinger Community Interest Group) – UK; Ali Mahmoud MOHAMMED, writer and activist, Erbil – Kurdistan-Iraq; Christopher SOMES-CHARLTON, Artist Manager-UK; Anwar MIR SATTARI, Member of the Belgian Green party “ECOLO”-Belgium; Dirk BOMBEY, Sound Ingineer-Belgium; Christelle CHAPITEAU, Independent Architect-Belgium; Nuray SAHIN, Film Director-Germany; Ronnie RAMIREZ, Film Director-Belgium; Renée LE MIGNOT, Co-présidente du MRAP, Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples-France; Brigitte HOLLINGER, Präsidentin SP Basel- Switzerland; Carlo SOMMARUGA, Deputy of the Swiss Parliament-Switzerland; Jens ORBACK, Secretary General Olof Palme International Center-Sweden; Martin FLÜCKIGER, Parteisekretär BastA! (Basels Starke Alternative) – Switzerland; Peter HUG, Dr. phil. historian-Switzerland; Bernhard von GRÜNBERG MdL NRW (SPD)-Germany; Cindi TUNCEl, MdBB (Die Linke)-Germany; Dr. med. Gisela PENTEKER, Ärztin-Germany; Dr. Peter STRUTYNSKI, Federal Committee Peace Council-Germany; Dr. Thomas SEIBERT, philosopher and author–Germany; Eva KLIPPENSTEIN, Vorstandsmitglied des Düsseldorfer Flüchtlingsrats-Germany; Heike GEISWEID, Rechtsanwältin, MAF-DAD e.V. –Germany; Kazım ABACI, Mitglied der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft (SPD) –Germany; Martin GLASENAPP, medico international-Germany; Monty SCHÄDEL, Norbert SCHEPERS, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung-Germany; Politischer Geschäftsführer der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte KeiegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK) -Germany; Prof. Dr. Andreas BURO, Koordinator, Dialog-Kreis-Germany; Prof. Dr. Norman PAECH, Völkerrechtler-Germany; Prof. Dr. Rudolph BAUER Antikriegskonferenz Berlin 2014-Germany; Prof. Dr. sc. WOLFGANG TRIEBEL, Politikwissenschaftler-Germany; Prof. Wolfgang RICHTER-Germany; Prof. Dr. Heval/Rafik Sulaiman MIRO, Prof. an der Artuklu Universitaet, President der Harman Foundation für Demokratie & Forschung-Germany; RA Memet KILIC, MdB a.D. (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) –Germany; Rolf BECKER, Schauspieler, Gewerkschaft ver.di, FB Medien-Germany; Ulrich GOTTSTEIN, Prof. emeritus Medicine-Germany; Uschi KAPPELER, Sprecherin Die Linke-Germany; Wolfgang STRUWE, Redakteur, Kurdistan Report–Germany; Wolfgang ZILLER, Gewerkschaftssekretär i.R., Mitglied Geschäftsführender Landesvorstand DIE LINKE Bayern, Schweinfurt-Germany; Yüksel YAVUZ, Filmemacher-Germany; ADEF (Avrupa Demokratik Dersim Birlikleri Federasyonu) –Germany; AFRAM GELO Pastor from Syria-Sweden; Kampagne Tatort Kurdistan -Germany; Internationales Zentrum Frankfurt-Germany; Dario AZZELLINI, Assistenzprofessor, Johannes Kepler University Linz-Austria; Marina SITRIN, Visiting Scholar at CUNY Graduate Center, Center for Place Culture and Politics-Austria; Prof. Dr. Christian ZELLER, Economic Geography, University of Salzburg-Austria.

Kariane Westrheim, Chair
Prof Dr Michael Gunter, Secretary General

EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC)

UK contact: Estella Schmid

Peace in Kurdistan –Campaign for a political solution of the Kurdish Question

Email: Tel: 020 7586 5892



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Oggi quasi un milione di persone si sono radunate fin dalle prime ore del mattino in piazza Newroz a Diyarbakır (Amed). Il programma del...


Mercoledì 19 marzo ci ritroviamo a Bologna a Làbas (Vicolo Bolognetti 2) per celebrare insieme il Newroz, il capodanno curdo. Programma: Dibattito h.18:30 “Prospettive...


Öcalan ha inviato un messaggio al popolo yazida affermando: “L’appello per la pace e la società democratica è anche una risposta ai 73 massacri...


Siamo profondamente rattristati e indignati nell’apprendere che una madre, un padre e i loro affettuosi figli della stessa famiglia sono stati uccisi e che...